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This page highlights all the projects I have completed that highlight my skills and achievements.

Latest Projects

Rube Goldberg Machine

I was the group coordinator/manager for my engineering design class. Our group was able to exceed all expectations and records of the past with a machine that went well over 90 seconds, compared to an average of 20-30 seconds. Upon my reommendation and idea, we became the first group to utilize a smartphone in our machine. Our group was also one of the very few to actually decorate the project for good presentation. 


Grade Received: A

Drilling and Completions Reporting Software

I developed a Drilling and Completions Reporting software that replaced the company's previous software and saved thousands annually. I designed, coded, and protected the software through self-teaching. Some pictures of the program are available in the slideshow below; to see further how the program works, do not hesitate to contact me. The software makes field reporting extremely easy and makes it easy to manage as well. Each page of the program is connecte and updates the other pages as the user fills in more and more information making for a very interactive and friendly user experience.


Grade Received: A+

Reservoir Engineering Project

Problem Statement: Companies own various interests in a large field. New 3D seismic data has been run and several drilling opportunities have been identified. In the field, individual oil and gas companies operate several small separator stations. In order to reduce the operating cost a possible scenario is to utilize the various working interests and build a common gas plant. Before a large capital is spent, our team will put together a review of the entire reservoir and make recommendations for development strategies.


Skills Used and Acquired:

Contouring Porosity, net-pay, and water saturation maps

Gas Analysis using Material Balance, Planimetric, and Volumetric Methods

Calculate Working Interest

Prepare Error Analysis

Made Land Acquisition Recommendations


Grade Received: A

PEEP Simulator - Oil and Gas Payout Period Calculator

As a part of my training at SAIT Polytechnic, we used Merak Peep Software to calculate Oil and Gas project payout periods. The software calculated payout period in months or years based on the information the user inputs, like: Daily Production, Oil-Price, Decline Rate, Price Differential, Transportation Costs, and Royalties.


Using my advanced skills in Excel, and solid knowledge of Petroleum finances, I was able to recreate the same results in Microsoft Excel. The user inputs a few parameters about their project and the Excel Sheet is able to calculate and output the payout period of the project.


Case Study: Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse - An Engineering Disaster

Engineering Disasters are one way of learning from the past; they reinforce the important duty of public safety that every engineer carries on their shoulders. I did my case study on the Hyatt Regency walkway collapse and explored the reasoning behind the mishap, and made some recommendations for the future.


Grade Received : 92%



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